INGU = “I Never Give Up”
It was this attitude we saw day in and day out from good but disadvantaged folk that inspired us to launch the company.
We did it to transform the talents and resources of people who want to work and make meaningful contributions to their communities.
We believe everyone in any community should be advantaged by it, not disadvantaged because of it.
We believe everyone deserves a second chance, or the first chance they never had to prove it.
Here’s a few truths that provide us with all the motivation we need to succeed.
Everyone is amazing at something
Disabled people outperform non-disabled in many work environments.
According to the Department of Labor only 20% of people with disabilities are employed in contrast to 70% for nondisabled people. Some of the factors that contribute to this disparity is ignorance and fear, lack of understanding, and a system that does not incentivize agencies placing these folks in competitive employment. Having worked in vocational training and employment most of our adult lives we know firsthand that many of the individuals caught in this circular system are not only capable of working but are some of the best, most dedicated, honest, and focused employees you will ever meet. Given the appropriate support they can outperform non-disabled people in many areas and become contributing members of society while at the same time giving them meaning and purpose in their lives.
A prison release is a new lease of life.
In the first full calendar year after their release, only 55% of ex-prisoners reported any earnings, with the median earnings being $10,090. Only 20% earned more than $15,000.
Society doesn’t make it easy for them to find work. Often they are the most motivated humans on the planet to contribute to their community in a meaningful way. Once someone has done their time, we think it is their time to be given an opportunity benefiting their family, themselves and society.
We work closely with local prisons so we know ahead of time about those most likely to fit well with the INGU team environment and let them know that there is an immediate source of income available to them if they want to work.
Stability reveals ability.
Stability is a basic human need and we all find it in different places at different times. Sometimes people decide the time is right to find that stability a little later in life.
These workers may not have college education and they are unlikely to have a résumé that will get anyone interested in you on LinkedIn. What they lack in career skills they often make up in enthusiasm, energy and desire to make a difference.
At INGU our main expectation of our team is that they want to work and they want to be reliable to the people around them. It is remarkable how capable people can be when they see others truly believe in them.
If you’re an employer, we understand the regulations so you don’t have to.
There are many benefits available to employers which people either don’t know about or don’t know how to take advantage of. Our experience of working with development agencies spans over decades in the Northeast. We know the people who work there, we know the programs they have available to employers, we know what employers should do to take advantage of these benefits in the shortest possible period of time.
If you are outside of the Northeast we will still rapidly accelerate your progress towards providing a new level of service to your communities.
Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new opportunities in New England or anywhere in the United States. There are so many ways we can help industry in America be better industry. Please get in touch with Jim who will happily spend 20 minutes or more providing you with a no commitment conversation about how INGU could help you.